Improving Your Ability to Deliver: Identify All Stakeholders

In previous videos we’ve talked about the importance of managing stakeholder expectations. It’s critical.

The first key to managing stakeholder expectations is to identify who they are. Of course this seems obvious but the Project Management Institute does a great job of helping us get a better understanding of who are stakeholders are.

Hint: there are more than you think!

In this video Andy Kaufman, PMP, host of the project management podcast entitled The People and Projects Podcast helps you undertand who your stakeholders are and how to better manage them to help you successfully deliver your projects.

Click to download this video in Flash format Download this video

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Suresh September 24, 2011 at 10:59 pm

Thanks. Great tip.

najmuddin April 5, 2012 at 5:28 am

hi,my name is Najmuddin.ahamdy
i really thanking you for the easy way of good understanding stakeholder vidio and one problem i have which download is so slow and take even a day if you show me a slusion for this


Andy Kaufman, PMP April 5, 2012 at 7:56 am

Hello Najmuddin,

Thank you for the kind feedback about the videos. I apologize for the inconvenience you have been experiencing on the download time. It’s not clear whey the download speed would be that slow. That particular file is approximately 51MB, rendered as an flv file. My gut is that it’s a bandwidth issue. I wonder if you’d be willing to try to download it at a different time of day or different location?

I wish you much continued success. Kind regards,


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